Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Real To Me

It took me quite a while to realize that I was a dad ... about 9 months actually. For Deb, she felt like a mommy the moment she found out she was pregnant, and as the baby grew inside her it responded more and more to her and only made her feel more special every day. For me, it was like a creepy alien was living in my wife. Very creepy sometimes to see her belly literally and sharply rise because some sort of living organism is inside her uterus.

Anyways, it never really hit me that I was a father and that Deb and my child was very real (and very human) until she was born on that crazy October morning. I wrote this song to describe my feelings:

Real To Me
By: Justin Ahlgrim

You made your mommy smile 
when she first saw that line
You made your mommy giggle 
when you kicked the first time

You made her crave for cheese and eggs 
when you grew big around
And when you had your hiccups, 
how you made her belly bound!

But you became real to me 
when I first heard you cry
You became real to me 
when I first saw your eyes
You became real to me, 
as someone that I wanted to live for 
You became real when you were born

*You can listen to the song using the player below:

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