Walking With Jesus: A Study Through Mark
What follows is what I feel Jesus is teaching me as I read through the Gospel of Mark
Spiritual Work Can't Be Done Without Belief
"Because of their unbelief, He couldn't do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And He was amazed at their unbelief" (Mark 6:5-6)
Friends of Jesus' relatives scoffed that Jesus' wisdom and miracles meant nothing. How could they? He's just a carpenter, son of Mary and brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon (Mark 6:3). Just a carpenter. and because of this contagious unbelief, Jesus could hardly do any real work or ministry among them.
it's the same with Youth Ministry: Spiritual work can't be done with unbelief.
I can tell a youth to do the right things.
I can "moralize" them with Bible-"based" teaching.
I can tell them that Jesus saves.
But if they don't believe, if they really don't believe in Jesus, it won't make any difference.
Believing is a funny concept. In the english language, its almost more of a mindset than a life-changing reality. believing is just a thing. like believing the sky is blue or that dogs bark or in winter it gets cold. Believing in the Bible though is entirely different. The very reason John wrote his gospel is so that people might believe (John 20:30-31; 3:16, 36) in Jesus. Believing in Jesus, true belief in the words and acts of our saviour, means not only that we accept what He says is true, but that we act accordingly.
So for instance, if I really believe in Jesus then I believe in what He said.
-I believe there is a Hell so I tell others about Jesus so they won't go there
-I believe Jesus has given me the gift of eternal life so I should not be worried about death
-I believe Jesus gave me the Holy Spirit, the Church, and the Word as tools that I would grow in my trust and understanding of him through being taught and through fellowship and worship and study
-I believe Jesus told me to love my enemies, give to those in need, deny my own wants for God's desires, love my wife like my own body, treat all people with caring love, and love God more than anything so I should do so!
If we really believe in Jesus then we should act on those beliefs.
Because if we don't we are really unbelieving, not trusting in Him, but wanting all the benefits that come from trust in Him (Mk 9:24) without the work of faith. and trust. and life-changing belief.
no work can be done with unbelief. if thomas never believed that Jesus rose from the dead, do you think he would proclaim the gospel courageously to India like he did, and end his life with a grisly death of being speared in the back for his saviour? Would he have done that without believing in Jesus wholeheartedly and everything that Jesus said about the gospel and salvation and faith and justice and righteousness and holiness was true?
maybe it's not poor teaching that's keeping teens from growing in their faith.
maybe it's not the lack of challenge to do so either.
maybe ... they just don't believe.
and so no work can be done. and we stand back, amazed at their lack of spiritual growth. amazed that "nothing's working" or we'll losing numbers or we're not seeing the yield and results we expected.
maybe we need to make sure the teens believe. and have the teens make sure they believe before we jump into spiritual hoops and doctrinal strides.
because without belief, no spiritual work can be done.
I share the cry of Moulder from the X-Files. I WANT TO BELIEVE! not just stand by a be a good person.
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