Friday, September 3, 2010

Walking With Jesus: Don't Wait To Challenge People

Walking With Jesus: A Study Through Mark
What follows is what I feel Jesus is teaching me as I read through the Gospel of Mark

Don't Wait To Challenge People
"As Jesus was getting into the boat the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. But Jesus said, "No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been." So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them" (Mark 5:18-20)

Jesus just healed this man who could have put the Jeykll & Hyde story to shame. This is a man who would break chained restraints and he hid among the burial caves. and he would cut himself with stones and howl at night (freaky!!). This is a man who called himself "Legion" for he had many demons in him (a roman legion had 5,000-6,000 soldiers by the way). And Jesus casts out ALL the demons and sets this man free from this amazingly terrible spiritual bondage and all the man says he wants to do is follow Jesus!

Of course Jesus would say "Yes, follow me, learn what it means to be a disciple!" Surprisingly, He does not though. This man is healed by Jesus and Jesus says, "Go." The training He has received is a true testimony of faith. and that's what Jesus wants this man to proclaim to his family.

It reminds me of Romans 1:8 - "I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world." What we proclaim to people is not simply the gospel but how the gospel affects us. We proclaim OUR faith in Jesus, OUR trust in Him, in a sense, our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

and this formerly-known-as "demon-possessed man" had that. He had faith in Jesus. And for Jesus. That's all that was required. and Jesus sent the man out to proclaim His faith, to proclaim how Jesus had affected him. and the man one-ups it! He doesn't just go to his family, he goes to ten different towns in the area! Proclaiming what God has done for him! and unlike his hometown (Mk 5:17), the ten towns acted positively, with amazement at what God had done.

Bottom line: I feel like Jesus is teaching me this lesson: Don't wait to challenge people.

this is a man who had literally NO experience in the Christian life and besides that, had for the past long time been a very literal MONSTER living in a cemetery. But after His healing, Jesus knows this man has a faith and a testimony to share. And so He lets him do it. amazing.

I don't think I've challenged my kids like that. I haven't challenged "new converts" in my youth groups to go and share their faith with others.
I haven't challenged them to PROCLAIM what God has done for them.
I haven't challenged them probably very much at all.

but if i'm right, Jesus would do things differently. Jesus would challenge them from step 1 to be not only a radical follower of Christ but a radical doer of Christ.

I remember in High School the teachers that challenged me the most I would most complain about. But they were my BEST teachers. And secretly, I think I liked them the most too, BECAUSE they challenged me.

I need to challenge my students more, like Jesus would.

Don't wait.
Challenge them now.
They're ready for it.
Christ is on their side, the Holy Spirit in their hearts.
If God is with us, who can be against us.
Challenge them today.

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